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They overcame him , by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony” -


Revelations 12 vs 11

My name is Justin Green and I am 33 years old and I have suffered from drug addiction for over 17 years of my life. The consequences of my wrong choices and bad decisions have had a devastating impact on my family, friends and also myself. Its amazing how the “little” sins and giving into the sinful nature can quickly poison a mans spirit and soul. Before I knew it, I had lost houses, businesses, cars and a wife. I had spent more money than most people earn in a lifetime on crack cocaine. Eventually I found myself on the streets without shoes and wandering where it had all gone wrong.
When I became a Christian my life changed but not immediately at all. You see Jesus seemed like a good way out when I had nowhere else to turn. His gospel promised forgiveness and a new life. Someone to love me when no one else could. An easy way out of my massive problem. The power of God breaks through all strongholds and The Holy spirit began His work in me. Once I grew stronger I decided that I could walk on my own again and so I threw away the “crutch” of Christ. And because of disobedience and pride I soon realized what I was capable of in my own strength, absolutely nothing! Since then I have repented and realigned myself to the Lord. I decided to not only believe in God but to also believe God and his word. I also soon realized that He also believes in me. That He created all of us to be more than conquerers. That we are all uniquely designed to achieve so much more potential that our silly minds can even really conceive. God is still busy with His work in me and in faith I believe first and then hope to see and I am already starting to see how God is reconciling and restoring all that was stolen from me.
You see like His word says, hope does not disappoint us. This is the nature of God. When I ponder on Jesus I feel overwhelmed that God died for me even in my sin, so that I could be free indeed and that nothing I could or ever have done could separate me from Him and nothing I do could ever make Him love me any less. God does make the impossible, possible and my testimony is that no matter where you find yourself in this life, no matter how impossible a situation may seem or that you cannot find a solution, Jesus is the answer to every question. He has taken me from the pit and has placed my feet on solid ground. As each day unfolds I am truly overwhelmed by Gods grace and in obedience now His spirit is making all things new. Praise God the father for His grace and his mercy on my life.


-Justin Green 37 


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